Friday 28 May 2021

MCQ on Master Production Schedule (MPS)

1.   MPS stands for:

A.   Master Planning System

B.   Master Production Schedule

C.   Material Production Schedule

D.   Material Planning System


         2.   Which of the following information can be obtained from an MPS?

A.   Dependent demand

B.   Planning time fence

C.   Available-to-promise quantities

D.   Demand time fence


        3.   A master production schedule contains information about

A.   Quantities and required delivery dates of all sub-assemblies

B.   Quantities and required delivery dates of final products

C.   Inventory on hand for each sub-assembly

D.   Inventory on hand for each final product


                     4. Which of the following functions can make use of MPS information?

A.   Manufacturing

B.   Marketing

C.   Finance

D.   All of the above


 5.   A master production schedule specifies

A.   The financial resources required for production

B.   What component is to be made, and when

C.   What product is to be made, and when

D.   The labour hours required for production


         6.   Which of the following statements is not true regarding developing an MPS?

A. The on-hand inventory must be prevented from becoming negative

B. When customer orders booked are known, it will always be used in the on-hand inventory calculation

C.   Order policy and lead-time must be known    

D.   The on-hand inventory for the beginning of the period must be known


         7. To calculate the projected on-hand inventory at the end of a period, which             of the following are needed?

A.   MPS quantity due at the start of the current period

B.   Projected requirements for the current period

C.   On-hand inventory at the end of the last period

D.   All of the above


         8.   The _________ is a plan for production of an individual end items.

A.   MPS

B.   JIT


D.   MRP


        9.  The first step in preparing an MPS is:

A. Resolve differences between the preliminary MPS and the capacity available

B. Check the preliminary MRP against available capacity

C.   Develop a preliminary MRP

D.   Develop a rough-cut capacity plan


        10. Which of the following is not needed to develop an MPS?

A.   Projected requirements

B.   Order policy

C.   Bill of materials

D.   Beginning inventory of hand



1-B, 2-C, 3-B, 4-D, 5-C, 6-B, 7-D, 8-A, 9-C, 10-C.



Thursday 27 May 2021

MCQ On Production Planning and Control


1.   Which of the following functions of the production planning and controlling is related to the time table of activities

A.   Routing

B.   Expediting

C.   Scheduling

D.  Dispatching


2.     Which of the below is not a popular production system?

A.   Continuous production

B.   Job order production

C.   Batch production

D.  Project production


3.     Which of the following is not the function of Production, Planning & Control(PPC)?

A.   Routing

B.   Integration of processes

C.   Scheduling

D.  Expediting and follow-up


4.     Which of the following is not a part of Five M’s?

A.   Material

B.   Machine

C.   Motion

D.  Method


5.     Procurement cycle time is time consumed for

A.   Receiving of raw material

B.   Inspection of various raw materials

C.   Inspection of purchased components parts

D.  All of the above


6.     The correct sequence of operations in production planning and control is

A.   Routing-Scheduling-Dispatching-Follow up

B.   Scheduling-Routing- Dispatching-Follow up

C.   Dispatching-Routing-Scheduling- Follow up

D.  Routing-Scheduling-Follow up-Dispatching.


7.     Which of the following organisation is preferred in automobile industry?

A.   Functional organization

B.   Line organization

C.   Staff organization

D.  Line and staff organizations


8.     The transit time consist of

A.   Time taken by raw material from machine to machine

B.   Time consumed in moving the work between various departments

C.   Time taken by a worker to machine a component

D.  None of the above


9.     Gantt chart is mostly used for

A.   Routing

B.   Scheduling

C.   Follow up

D.  Inspection and quality control


10. Critical path method

A.   Helps in ascertaining time schedules

B.   Makes better and detailed planning possible

C.   Provides a standard method for communicating project plans schedules and to time and cost performance

D.  All of the above


1-C, 2-D, 3-B, 4-C, 5-D, 6-A, 7-D, 8-B, 9-B, 10-A