Wednesday 9 June 2021

MCQs on Material Handling


1. Raw Materials and WIP can be classified under ________

A. Direct Material

B. Indirect Material

C. Finished Material

D. Standard Parts

2. Material handling consists of movement of material from

A.   One machine to another

B.   One shop to another shop

C.   Stores to shop

D.   All of the above

3. The following is used to transport materials having flat bottoms

A.   Belt conveyor

B.   Roller conveyor

C.   Chain conveyor

D.   None of the above

4. _________ are the basic materials which have not undergone any conversion since their receipt from suppliers.

A.   WIP

B.   Raw Material

C.   Finished Parts

D.   Work Made Parts

5. Economy in material handling can be achieved by

A.   Employing gravity feed movements

B.   Minimizing distance of travel

C.   By carrying material to destination without using manual labour

D.   All of the above

6. The business cycle, price trends, National Economy is ___________

A.   Micro Factors

B.   Macro Factors

C.   Controllable Factors

D.   None of the above

7. Fork lift truck is used for

A.   Lifting and lowering

B.   Vertical transportation

C.   Both ‘a’ and ‘b’

D.   None of the above

8. _______also called part lists or building lists is the document generated at the design stage.

A.   MRP (Material Requirement Planning)

B.   BOM (Bill of Materials)

C.   MPS (Master Production Schedule)

D.   None of the above

9. Special purpose material handling equipment are used in

A.   Process layout

B.   Line layout

C.   Both ‘a’ and ‘b’

D.   None of the above

10.  Which of the following condition of rail surface will offer the least resistance?

A.   Very wet

B.   Very dry

C.   Average dampness

D.   Grease




  1. Where should incoming and outgoing material be located with respect to the work station?
    Can the work stations for the successive steps of the process be moved close together and material handling accomplished by means of gravity chutes?
    Can material be pushed from operator to operator along the surface of the bench?
    Flow Process Chart Improvement - Material Handling Analysis.
    #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #MaterialHandling
