Tuesday 21 September 2021

Inventory Management MCQ Multiple Choice Questions with Answers


1.  The costs associated with inventory is/are
A.  Purchase price of the inventory
B.  Re-order costs
C.  Inventory holding costs, Shortage costs
D.  All of the above

2.  In ABC analysis which inventory is classified into category ‘A’ items? 
A.  Annual consumption cost is around 15-25% 
B.  Annual consumption cost is around 70-80% 
C.  Annual consumption cost is around 5-10%
D.  Annual consumption cost is around 50%

3.  Shortage costs of inventory include
A.  Lost profit on sale
B.  Future loss of profit due to loss of customer goodwill
C.  Costs due to production stoppage due to shortage of raw materials
D.  All of the above

4.  Cycle inventory helps in
A.  Finding out the amount of stock required during a finite period in order to move the materials from one location to another
B.  Taking advantage of economies of scale and reducing cost within the supply chain
C.  Taking care of any special event that does not occur on a regular basis
D.  All of the above

5.  Re-order costs are the costs of making orders to purchase a quantity of a material item from a supplier. They include costs such as:
A.  The cost of delivery of the purchased items, if these are paid for by the buyer
B.  The costs associated with placing an order, such as the costs of telephone calls
C.  Costs associated with checking the inventory after delivery from the supplier
D.  All of the above

6.  Inventory holding costs include:
A.  Cost of capital tied up
B.  Insurance costs
C.  Cost of warehousing, obsolescence, deterioration and theft
D.  All of the above

7.  Buffer/safety inventory – the basic level of inventory kept for emergencies. A buffer is required because both demand and lead time will fluctuate and predictions can only be based on best estimates.
A.  The above statement is correct
B.  The above statement is incorrect

8.  The inventory which is dependent on alternative modes of transportation is known as
A.  Safety inventory
B.  Pipeline inventory
C.  Cycle inventory
D.  Seasonal inventory

9.  In ABC analysis which inventory is classified into category ‘B’ items? 
A.  Annual consumption cost is around 15-25%
B.  Annual consumption cost is around 70-80%
C.  Annual consumption cost is around 5-10%
D.  Annual consumption cost is around 50%

10.  The best strategy of minimizing the amount of safety inventory to be kept in a store without hurting the level of customer service is
A.  Minimizing the cycle service level
B.  Reducing the supply lead time
C.  Minimizing the uncertainty inherent in supply
D.  Minimizing the uncertainty inherent in demand

Sunday 22 August 2021

Ergonomics Multiple Choice Question on Ergonomics with Answers | MCQs



1. The basic definition of Ergonomics is?


A.   Using relaxed posture

B.   Fitting the workstation to the employee

C.   Fitting the employee to the workstation

D.   Either B or C


2. ‘Ergonomics’ is related to human


A.   Comfort

B.   Safety

C.   Both ‘a’ and ‘b’

D.   None of the above


3. Ergonomics principle suggests that


A.   Monitoring displays should be placed outside peripheral limitations

B.   Glow-in-the dark dials made of reflective substances are good for viewing in the nights

C.   Visual systems should be preferred over auditory systems in noisy locations

D.   All of the above


4. The following subjects are related to ‘Ergonomics’


A.   Anthropology

B.   Physiology

C.   Psychology

D.   All of the above


5. Ergonomics is a body of knowledge concerned with:


A.   Human abilities

B.   Design of tools, machines, systems, tasks, jobs, and environments

C.   Fitting the job or task to the person

D.   All of the above


6. Examples of administrative controls include all except:


A.   Rest breaks

B.   Rotating workers through different jobs

C.   Installation of an adjustable height keyboard tray

D.   An effective tool maintenance program


7. Engineering controls involve:


A.   Workplace policy, procedures, and practices that minimize the exposure of workers to risk conditions

B.   A change in the physical features of the workplace

C.   Application of proper personal protective equipment

D.   Medical management


8. Which of the following could be considered an engineering control for an office ergonomics hazard:


A.   Switching to a chair with greater adjustability

B.   Implementing a stretching program

C.   Implementing a pre-work screening process

D.   Purchasing wrist braces


9. Four commonly recognized computer workstation postures are:


A.   Sitting, standing on both feet, standing with one foot resting, reclined

B.   Standing, sitting tilted forward, sitting upright, sitting tilted back

C.   Standing forward, laying down, sitting up, sitting on knees

D.   Sitting with arms supported, standing with no arm support, seated with foot support, seated with no foot support


 1-B, 2-C, 3-C, 4-D, 5-D, 6-C, 7-B, 8-A, 9-B.

Tuesday 20 July 2021

Multiple Choice Question on Industrial Safety Management


1. Water is used to extinguish

A. Class-A fires

B. Class-B fires

C. Class-C fires

D. All of the above


2. Which accidents should be reported to management?

 A. Only serious accidents

B. Major accidents

C.  Which causes damages to machine

D. All


3. Who may be responsible for accident?

 A. Worker

B. Working conditions

C. Management

D. All of the above


4. Class-A fire consists of fire due to

 A. Wood

B. Oil

C. Transformer

D. Chemical


5. Safety management deals with qualified______________.

 A. Personal injury

B. Prevention of an accident

C. Damage to the equipment

D. Loss of life


6. For household wiring and small units, the following should be used for safety measure

         A. MCB





7. Industrial safety management is that branch of management which is concerned with ______ hazards from the industries.

 A. Controlling

B. Reducing

C. Eliminating

D. All of the above


 8. The fire triangle does not include

 A. Oxygen

B. Fuel

C. Temperature

D. Heat


9. Which of the following colour is used for radiation hazard?

         A. Red

B. Orange

C. Green

D. Purple


10. Which is not included in the causes of accidents due to worker?

         A. Mischievous behaviour

B. Poor housekeeping

C. Leak of concentration

D. Overconfidence


11. Industrial accidents have following types

         A. Non-machinery

B. Machinery

C. Both a and b

D. None of the above


12. _____ improves the safety in an industry

A. Reduced noise level

B. Good house keeping

C. Material handling system

D. All of the above


13. The following class of fire occur in electrical equipment

A. Class-A fires

B. Class-B fires

C. Class-C fires

D. All of the above


14. Which of the following is an unsafe condition.

A. Improper material handling

B. Hazardous arrangement of material

C. Poor house keeping

D. Long working hours


15. Most of the industrial accidents are

A. Unavoidable

B. Not preventable

C. Preventable

D. None of the above


 16. Check list for Job Safety Analysis (JSA) consists of

A. Work area, material, machine, tools

B. Men, machine, material, tools

C. Men, machine, work area, tools

D. Men, work area. Material, tools


17. A safety programme consists of

A. Three E’s

B. Four E’s

C. Five E’s

D. Six E’s




Friday 25 June 2021

Maintenance Management MCQ Multiple Choice Questions with Answers

1.   Total productive maintenance aims at

        A.   Less idle time

        B.   Increase in productivity

        C.   Zero down time

        D.  None of the above

2.   Maintenance consist of the following action(s)

A.   Replace of component

B.   Repair of component

C.   Service of component

D.  All of the above

3.   (Down time in hours / Available hours) =

A.   Maintenance effectiveness

B.   Frequency of breakdown

C.   Effectiveness of maintenance planning

D.  None of the above

    4.   The down time cost consists of

A.   Loss of production

B.   Wages paid to the workers

C.   Reduction in sales

D.  All of the above

5.   A systematic approach for maintenance is

A.   Problem – Cause – Diagnosis – Rectification

B.   Problem– Diagnosis – Cause – Rectification

C.   Problem – Measure – Diagnosis – Rectification

D.  Problem– Diagnosis – Measure – Rectification

6.   The following is not a classification of maintenance

A.   Corrective maintenance

B.   Timely maintenance

C.   Scheduled maintenance

D.  Preventive maintenance

7.   The ____ goes on increasing with the increase in degree of maintenance efforts.

A.   Cost of down time

B.   Cost of spares and maintenance

C.   Labor and Overhead Cost

D.  All of the above

8.   The following is not a classification of maintenance

A.   Timely maintenance

B.   Corrective maintenance

C.   Scheduled maintenance

D.  Preventive maintenance

9.   With the increase in preventive maintenance cost, breakdown maintenance cost

A.   Increases

B.   Decreases

C.   Remain same

D.  Any of the above








Wednesday 9 June 2021

MCQs on Material Handling


1. Raw Materials and WIP can be classified under ________

A. Direct Material

B. Indirect Material

C. Finished Material

D. Standard Parts

2. Material handling consists of movement of material from

A.   One machine to another

B.   One shop to another shop

C.   Stores to shop

D.   All of the above

3. The following is used to transport materials having flat bottoms

A.   Belt conveyor

B.   Roller conveyor

C.   Chain conveyor

D.   None of the above

4. _________ are the basic materials which have not undergone any conversion since their receipt from suppliers.

A.   WIP

B.   Raw Material

C.   Finished Parts

D.   Work Made Parts

5. Economy in material handling can be achieved by

A.   Employing gravity feed movements

B.   Minimizing distance of travel

C.   By carrying material to destination without using manual labour

D.   All of the above

6. The business cycle, price trends, National Economy is ___________

A.   Micro Factors

B.   Macro Factors

C.   Controllable Factors

D.   None of the above

7. Fork lift truck is used for

A.   Lifting and lowering

B.   Vertical transportation

C.   Both ‘a’ and ‘b’

D.   None of the above

8. _______also called part lists or building lists is the document generated at the design stage.

A.   MRP (Material Requirement Planning)

B.   BOM (Bill of Materials)

C.   MPS (Master Production Schedule)

D.   None of the above

9. Special purpose material handling equipment are used in

A.   Process layout

B.   Line layout

C.   Both ‘a’ and ‘b’

D.   None of the above

10.  Which of the following condition of rail surface will offer the least resistance?

A.   Very wet

B.   Very dry

C.   Average dampness

D.   Grease

